Wednesday evening we (Pedro, Chandler, & I) got together for the first time ever. How wonderful to bring together two passionate contributors of the “Plan to Win” community to share, learn, grow, and _ together. The represents the many possibilities and potential when two or more people, of like kind Values (The WHO) and Mission (The What), get together for a cause Greater than self: A Journey Towards Greatness.
The Plan to Win Community. Who / What / When / How / and most importantly WHY (The Vision)!
Oh did we have a wonderful time together. Felt kinda bad for the over 6 thousand (Ted Talk viewers, and PTW readers) that weren’t able to join us😳😲😃🤔. Creating our own stories and sharing/doing life together: PRICELESS.
Thanks for listening……and your commitment and contributions to “our” Plan to Win” Mission. A cause worth living for.
Only the Best,